ALL DIGITAL Summit 2022
The ALL DIGITAL Summit 2022 will take place from 28 to 30 September 2022 in Prague. The Summit is an annual event organized by the European network…
E-HEALth Literacy: Second Partner Meeting in Athens
The second meeting of the "E-HEALth Literacy" project took place in Greece's vibrant capital Athens on September 12-13, 2022. The five partner…
20th anniversary of the Digital Opportunities Foundation in 2022
For 20 years, the Digital Opportunities Foundation has been working for digital participation of all population groups. For our anniversary year, we…
Winning school of the Kind Speech Day campaign in Germany has been determined
The Kind Speech Day campaign was a competition among schools as part of the AMeLiE project. Now the winning schools have been chosen.
Anniversary celebration: 20 years Digital Opportunities Foundation
After three great digital roundtable discussions, there will be discussions, remembrances and celebrations with various actors from civil society,…
Public Consultations on EU rules regards combating child sexual - Have your say now!
The purpose of the present open public consultation is to inform the evaluation and possible revision of the EU Child Sexual Abuse Directive, and it…
Combating child sexual abuse online
On 1 and 2 June 2022, the summit of the global WeProtect Alliance took place in Brussels, where a communiqué how to combat child sexual abuse online…
Child Sexual Abuse - Civil Society's Open Letter to the European Union
On May 11, the European Commission released a proposed Regulation laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse. It is timely and…
Call for participation in the programme of the IGF 2022
A call for active participation in the programme development of the Internet Governance Forum 2022 (IGF) has been issued again this year. Stakeholders…
Let’s expand our virtual network against hate speech!
Next to creating an online learning platform for teachers on which they can find a lot of useful information, worksheets and materials about hate…
Children’s Rights and the Digital Services Act
Children’s Rights and the Digital Services Act
Children's rights and democracy
"Fit for Democracy" is the theme of today's Safer Internet Day.