Winning school of the Kind Speech Day campaign in Germany has been determined


The Otto-Nagel-Gymnasium in Berlin, partner school in the AMeLiE project from the very beginning, took first place within Germany and thus won the trip to Prague to the ALL DIGITAL Summit at the end of September 2022! Congratulations!

Their Kind Speech Day campaign was called "Hate Comments on the Internet"-and was developed by teachers and students together.

What was especially nice was that the campaign was not a one-time action, i.e. not just a Kind Speech Day, but a 6-week plan with different methodological and media approaches to reach the goal of spreading "Kind Speech" in the school community and among the followers of their social media accounts.

Here is the school's report:

"In consultation with one of our English immersion classes and a 10th grade class, we developed a plan to organize an event every week until summer vacation, with the exception of the week when all of our students* had their field trip week. Different groups developed different ideas and formats for this series of events and executed them inside and outside of the classroom. It was important to us that the ideas came from the students* themselves. The results were shared via our school's Instagram account.

The students composed an original "Kind Song" and the video clip was promoted via the school's YouTube account. The campaign was met with a very positive response from parents, fellow students* and our colleagues. We hope that our message was able to make people think about the issue and also raise a few smiles."

You can listen to the song here:

Facebook video

Instagram video

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