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Flyer: Internet erfahren - Gemeinsam durchs Netz

Begleitend zum Projekt "Internet erfahren" wurde dieser Informationsflyer verteilt.

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YPRT Principles

The YPRT Principles for the improvement of youth protection online are eight principles to which the YPRT members commit themselves and declare their…

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The YPRT Toolkit: a detailed catalogue of references for the improvement of youth protection online

The YPRT Toolkit: a detailed catalogue of references for the improvement of youth protection online, comprising

  • a description of risks
  • a…

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Results of an expert survey on matters of safer Internet and youth protection in Europe

Results of an expert survey on matters of safer Internet and youth protection in Europe

Die Stiftung Digitale Chancen hat als Koordinator des Projektes "Youth Protection Roundtable - YPRT" im Rahmen des Safer Internet Programmes der…

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