The YPRT Toolkit: a detailed catalogue of references for the improvement of youth protection online

Smartphone, Tablet & Co, Onlinerisiken, Dokumentation, Anwenden, Flyer / Broschüren, Gesellschaft, international, Online-Sicherheit, Medienkompetenz

The YPRT Toolkit: a detailed catalogue of references for the improvement of youth protection online, comprising

  • a description of risks
  • a description of supportive technologies and their effectiveness
  • eight chapters of references
    • for technical developments in respect of educational issues and
    • for the use of filter technologies (product-neutral) and educational measures in private and public areas
  • an inventory of instruments and organisations of self regulation in Europe
  • an inventory of legal regulations as regards youth protection in Europe


With these documents, the YPRT follows an approach of shared responsibility for online youth protection. Bearing in mind that at the Youth Protection Roundtable technicians and providers of supportive technologies as well as providers of websites and online platforms gathered with educators and other stakeholders from children's welfare organisations, it was the intention of the YPRT to provide for final documents that comprise educational and technological strategies. The eight YPRT Principles address various stakeholders and encourage them to have their share in the improvement of online youth protection, each in the area they can deal with most efficiently.

The YPRT Principles, on the one hand, encourage providers and operators to improve supportive technologies and also their products’ usability, to help users to protect themselves by implementation of supportive widgets and to implement policies for sustained Internet safety.

On the other hand, the YPRT encourages parents and educators to improve their literacy in regard to the use of digital media and supportive technologies but also in regard to making use of technology in an autonomous and responsible way and to raise awareness about the positive impact of Internet usage on young people’s development.

With the YPRT Toolkit each of the stakeholders has a bundle of references at their disposal, how to implement the principles practically into their own work.