During the IGF 2019, UN Secretary General António Guterres appointed nine new members for the United Nations Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) on the Internet Governance Forum. Anriette Esterhuysen is the first civil society representative to be appointed MAG Chairperson. For the project childrens-rights.digital Jutta Croll again supports the work of the MAG in 2020.
In its first virtual meeting on 17 December, the newly constituted body began preparations for the IGF 2020 in Katowice. The summary of the discussions will be published regularly at https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/mag-meeting-summaries. From 14 to 16 January, the first open consultation of the MAG will take place in Geneva, the registration for the meeting is open to any person, it is required for admission to the United Nations Palace.
Human rights with a special focus on the rights and protection of children and young people in the digital environment were a thematic focus of the IGF 2019, which is also reflected in the opening speech of Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel. We will build on this to ensure that the interests of children and young people are adequately taken into account in the IGF 2020 programme, which will take place in Katowice from 2 to 6 November. The dates for the participation of the community (Call for issues / Call for proposals) will be announced here in good time; if you would like to receive the announcements directly, please register here for our children's rights newsletter.