Social Media Advisory Roundtable - SMARt

Aim of the project

Against the background of Dialog Internet (a network initiative set up by the German Family Ministry) the project Social Media Advisory Roundtable - SMARt was founded by the Digital Opportunities Foundation, the Institute for Media and Culture Management at Freie Universität Berlin and Facebook under the patronage of Family Minister Dr. Kristina Schröder. SMARt serves as a platform for the exchange about media competence issues in which both young people themselves and their guardians take part. In the context of SMARt the Social Learning Summit 13 (SLS 13) took place in Berlin on 18 January 2013. Here young pupils examined topics like identity and self-portrayal or privacy and data protection in workshops and a plenum together with experts from social work, industry, science and politics.


The elaborated results, sometimes surprising insights and statements of different stakeholders were afterwards published in the book „SLS13. Bildungs- und Erfahrungsraum Social Web - Grundlagen und Perspektiven“ in the summer of 2013.

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