The project Bridge-IT is part of a thematic network for the promotion of social integration and cultural diversity through information and communication technologies. It attends to the topics of migration and immigration in EU countries and poses the question how the potential of computers and the internet can be used for the promotion of integration in Europe.
Aim of the project
The project Bridge-IT is part of a thematic network for the promotion of social integration and cultural diversity through information and communication technologies. It attends to the topics of migration and immigration in EU countries and poses the question how the potential of computers and the internet can be used for the promotion of integration in Europe.
The network includes experts from 24 partner organisations from the public domain, social institutions, migration and non-government organisations, research institutions as well as IT companies from eleven EU countries. It is the project’s task to develop recommendations for action for the digital integration of people with a migration background in Europe in the thematic areas ‘active citizenship’, ‘education’ and job market’ and to provide impulses for the implementation on a national level.
The recommendations for action were developed as the Bridge-IT Guidelines on the basis of an analysis of 60 good praxis examples from the participating countries. In three transnational seminars, attended by a broad variety of experts from academia, economy, politics and practice, the recommendations were validated and amended. The feasibility of the Bridge-IT Guidelines was tested on a national level in workshops in Germany, Spain, France, the Netherlands, Italy and the Czech Republic. In March 2011 the results were publicly discussed during the final conference in Barcelona.
You can find further information on the project and the final conference in the following
Here you can find documentation.
The project was led by the University of Barcelona. The Digital Opportunities Foundation was responsible for the coordination of the activities of the German partners:
Project partner
Project partner in Germany:
- Arbeiterwohlfahrt Bundesverband e.V.
- DGB Bildungswerk
- IMES Projektwerkstatt
Funding program
Program for the promotion of innovation and competitiveness