Day Zero High Level Internet Governance Exchange – Internet Governance Forum

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As part of the Day Zero kick-off events of the 14th IGF, the Digital Opportunities Foundation is organizing a high-level Internet Governance Exchange in close cooperation with the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy. In the form of panel discussions and debates, this event aims to facilitate the exchange of high-ranking representatives from government, civil society, technological community and the private sector.


Aim of the project

The United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF) is an annual multi-stakeholder forum that gives participants from different regions and interest groups such as civil society, government, the private sector and the technical community the chance to exchange views on different issues regarding Internet governance.


The theme of this year's IGF is "One World. One Net. One Vision". It will take place from 26 to 29 November 2019 in Berlin and is hosted by the German Government. During this year's IGF, participants will have the opportunity to discuss topics focusing on data governance, digital inclusion and security, safety, stability & resilience, to exchange professional knowledge on best practices and to develop approaches to a solution for technical, social and political problems related to digitisation and the use of the Internet. Hence, the IGF promotes common understanding and knowledge transfer to maximize the opportunities of the Internet and to deal with its risks and challenges.


As part of the Day Zero kick-off events of the 14th IGF, the Digital Opportunities Foundation is organizing a high-level Internet Governance Exchange in close cooperation with the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy. In the form of panel discussions and debates, this event aims to facilitate the exchange of high-ranking representatives from government, civil society, technological community and the private sector. The results of the Internet Governance Exchange shall serve as impulses for the discussions of the IGF 2019.

As a project partner of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, the Digital Opportunities Foundation is responsible for the organization and coordination of the kick-off event High Level Internet Governance Exchange.

Project partner

Logo Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy

  • Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Germany


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