
Logo Seniors@Digiworld


The European project Seniors@DigiWorld aims to support senior citizens in accessing and using the Internet via tablet computers. To do so, a training for social worker, volunteers and employees of senior facilities is created and implemented, so that they can support their clients in using the Internet.


Aim of the project

Today Digital Media is essential for communication and participation in society. Although senior citizens could benefit from digital opportunities, they are the population group which is often not yet online.


Connect Seniors to the Digital World


Therefore the project "Connect Seniors to the Digital World", or in short Seniors@DigiWorld, wants to empower senior citizens to use tablet computers independently and profit from this usage in daily life. For this purpose multipliers will be trained, who work in libraries, telecentres as well as retirement homes. As first contact person social workers, voluntaries or staff of senior residences can support their clients to find their way to the digital world. During the project a training for multipliers will be developed and tested in Lithuania, Romania, Spain and Germany starting January 2018. The background of this project is the experience of the projects Tablet PCs for senior citizens and Digital Literacy 2.0, both implemented by the foundation.

The Digital Opportunities Foundation coordinates the project which duration is two years and has partner organizations from Lithuania, Romania and Spain. Regarding the content the foundation is responsible for the development of the learning concept, for the distribution of the project content and for the implementation of the training in Germany.

To project website

Project partner

  • Centre for the innovation and development of education and technology (CIDET), Spanien
  • Asociacija Viesieji interneto prieigos taskai (VIPT), Litauen
  • Fundatia EOS - Educatiob for an Open Society, Rumänien

Funding program


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