MoiN - Together online in the North



The Digital Opportunities Foundation and the regional association of the AWO (Arbeiterwohlfahrt) in Schleswig-Holstein will create and improve needs-based digitalisation services in the project "Miteinander online im Norden" (Together online in the North) in order to network members and volunteers more closely, to promote and strengthen their commitment, to enable them to participate and to support full-time staff in their activities.

Aim of the project

The objective of the project "Together online in the North" (MoiN) is to strengthen civic engagement and participation through the development and design of digital information, exchange and collaboration opportunities in the regional association of the Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO - Workers' Welfare Association) Schleswig-Holstein and for its members.

Social volunteering and civic engagement have a long tradition in the AWO. Active social work is carried out by volunteers, members and full-time staff.<br/><

The AWO Schleswig-Holstein has a democratic and federal structure with about 100 local associations and 15 district associations. It is both a membership organisation with around 14,500 members and a social enterprise. In order to remain future-oriented, the regional association must respond directly to changes in society.

During the project "Together online in the North", the Digital Opportunities Foundation will create and further develop needs-based digitalisation services in order to network members and volunteers more closely, to promote and strengthen their commitment, to enable them to participate, and to support full-time staff in their activities.

During the four years of the project, digital solutions and services are developed and established with the help of agile and participatory methods which are continuously adapted to the context and the needs of the target groups. The MoiN project is funded by the Federal Ministry of the internal affairs under the federal programme "Zusammenhalt durch Teilhabe"





The Digital Opportunities Foundation coordinates and moderates the processes and activities to identify and develop needs-based digital solutions.

It develops learning and support services to enable as many members and interested parties as possible to participate in the digital world and the AWO's digital services.

The Digital Opportunities Foundation will accompany and evaluate the introduction and sustainable implementation of the concepts and digital solutions developed together with the target groups.


By implementing this project, we are contributing to the realisation of the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:

To project website

Project partner

Arbeiterwohlfahrt Landesverband Schleswig-Holstein (AWO)

Funding program

Zwei Logo der Fördermittelgeber: links Zusammenhalt durch Teilhabe, rechts Bundesministerium des Innern, für Bau und Heimat

Cohesion by Participation

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