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The project WELCOME aims at qualifying young refugees and asylum seekers to become mentors who will train people from their environment in creative IT workshops. Thereby, the young people enhance and use their own potential to promote the digital competences of their community.


Aim of the project

WELCOME is a European project that aims at promoting the social and digital inclusion of refugees and asylum seekers. The project runs for 21 month and is funded by the Asyl, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) on the European level. Seven partner organization from five countries implement the project (Belgium, Italy, Greece, Spain, and Germany) and the coordinator is the European network organization ALL DIGITAL.

An innovative concept for creative IT workshops will be developed that will be based on good practices from other projects. Ten young refugees in the age between 16 and 30 will be trained in the summer of 2018 in order to become mentors and provide the creative IT workshops. They will learn how to use different and adaptable methods and contents to show people of their community how digital media can add value to their lives, either when searching for jobs or in their leisure time. Afterwards the young refugees will create digital stories in form of videos while being supported by the trainers of the partner organisations. The videos will show the experiences of the young people both as IT mentors and of their life in the new country. They will be presented to stakeholders, decision-makers and interested people at two events during the projects life time.

News about the project can be found in social networks with #digitalwelcome.

The Digital Opportunities Foundation implements the project in Germany. Two trainers of the foundation will be trained in order to qualify young refugees to become IT mentors. Then, the trainers will support the young mentors in providing creative IT workshops for people of their community. Afterwards the trainers show them how to present their experiences in digital stories. The foundation will present the videos at two events inviting interested people, stakeholders, and decision-makers.

To project website

Project partner

  • ALL DIGITAL (formerly Telecentre-Europe AISBL), Belgium
  • Maks vzw, Belgium
  • IASIS, Greece
  • Fondazione Mondo Digitale, Italy
  • Associacio per a Joves Teb, Spain
  • Centro Studi Foligno (CSF), Italy

Funding program

Asyl, Migration and Integration Fund

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